Friday, January 27, 2012

I didn't know...

That Percocet gives you constipation. I been out on leave do to a surgery I had and the Doctor gave me a prescription of Percocet. What he failed to mention and what I failed to read in the little drug pamphlet thingy is it clogs you up. (If you’re, eating this is probably where you should stop reading till you’re done, just FYI). So I wasn't able to take a shit in two days, and this morning when I did it was the consistency of lead. I think I cracked the bottom of the bowl with that dump.  I kept saying "please flush, please flush, please flush" as I pushed the little flush handle. I washed nervously as the water began to rise above the normal limit, but thank the heavens my toilet forced it down! A big sigh of relief came from me followed by a content smile.
Well thought I should let the world know about this... You're welcome!

If your not sick go play somewhere else.

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