Thursday, January 12, 2012

Things I want to try on a traffic stop...

But can't because I'll get yelled at by my supervisor:

1. Act like your blind. Pull someone over and walk up to the car with dark sunglasses and a walking stick (or Seeing Eye dog).  Just stare past them and ask for their license and stuff, then start grabbing in in the air in front of them till they give you the docs in hand. Then write a citation and just throw everything back at them, again while staring past them, then walk back the car and drive off.

2. Just scream at them. Have a partner calmly translate.


Partner (very calmly): Sorry ma'am, what my partner is trying to say is 'Good day, can I see your license and registration, please'.


Partner (continuing calmly): He says, 'Ma'am do you know why I pulled you over'?

And this goes on throughout the whole stop.

3. Bring an Elmo puppet. Conduct the entire stop with Elmo. When driver tries to talk to you tell them to talk to the other officer and point to Elmo.

4. If it is a sedan, tell them to keep the drivers window rolled up and ask them to roll down the back passenger window. Conduct the stop from there making them hand all documents through the rear window. If they have a sunroof, use that instead.

5. Tell them for their safety they can't look at you at any time, and must look forward at all times. Make sure they look forward the whole time even when they are looking for their documentation.

6. If it’s a night time stop bring a strobe light and have it flashing in the front passenger window.

7. Whisper the whole time. See how long it takes for the driver to start whispering too.

8. Tell them you just pulled them over for a tire pressure check. Use the tire pressure check thingy and check all the tires. Just give them a thumbs up after you're done then leave without saying anything else.

9. When asking questions, reach in and beep their horn when you think they lie. Then tell them "Wrong answer!"

Me: Do you know why I pulled you over?


Me (pressing on the horn): *BEEEP* "Wrong answer!"

Driver: Ummm... yes...?

Me: Do you know how fast you where going?

Driver: "45?"

Me (pressing on the horn): *BEEEP* "Wrong answer!"

Driver: "70."

10. Start with a foreign accent then change accent every time you walk back up to the car.

By the way I do not take any responsibility if you try these at your job. Don't get in trouble and most of all STAY SAFE! But if you happen to do this send me the video before you get fired.

If you have any other ideas that you would like to try send it on over to I will put your name next to your submission so if you want it to be anonymous just state so.

Now go play somewhere else!

1 comment:

  1. Very creative, and I can see how those would be tempting.

    If you played #8 well, you might even get a tip and earn a couple of extras bucks for your effort.
